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Salary Hold

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1Salary Hold Empty Salary Hold Fri Dec 29, 2017 1:56 am


Arresto Menor


Just want to ask if its legal for the company to hold my salary if I am not able to provide any documents regarding my absence. Here's whats written on our Employee Handbook.

A No-Call-No-Show or commonly termed as NCNS, is failure to report for work without prior proper notification. This happens when an agent
decides not to report on his scheduled shift without notifying his immediate supervisor as prescribed. An acceptable form of notification is by calling
the immediate supervisor at least 3 hours before the scheduled shift. Other forms of notification such as SMS or Texting and relay message from an
unknown representative or group shall not be honored.
• Only the agent concerned is eligible in notifying the workforce, if absenteeism be the only course of action. However, if by virtue that failure of
notification is inevitable, the agent shall furnish upon reporting for work, to his or her immediate supervisor a written explanation describing the
circumstances justifying his or her judgment that appropriates such action. In the advent that such document is furnished, the document shall be
placed in review and will be used against the agent if corrective measures shall be pursued.

nothing's showing up about placing the agents salary on hold if the agent failed to submit supporting documents.

2Salary Hold Empty Re: Salary Hold Fri Dec 29, 2017 7:03 am


Reclusion Perpetua

Holding the employees salary is against the law, unless it will be put or given to you in your final pay.

3Salary Hold Empty Re: Salary Hold Fri Dec 29, 2017 12:15 pm


Arresto Mayor

kaparehas yan ng NRTW namin (No Report To Work) means na deactivate ang employment due to no filing or absences without notice to your supervisor. kaya kahit pumasok ka di recognize ng system kasi deactivated ka nga. punta ka ng HR ipa activate mo saka mag provide ka ng documents ukol dun sa absent mo or ma AWOL ka. para ma recognize yung pagpasok mo at mabayaran ka ng tama.
di nila pwedeng i hold ang sahod mo against the labor law yan.

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