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Labor arbiter's Decision

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1Labor arbiter's Decision Empty Labor arbiter's Decision Fri Dec 22, 2017 10:28 pm


Arresto Menor

Hi, good evening. I hope someone would give me some advice and/or help on this.

I have filed a complaint for Condtructive Dismissal on sept 18, 2017. We had the Mandatory Conciliation on October 23 and Nov 8. Apparently, we fail to have it settled since my ex-IS' refuse to give in to my demand for administrative hearing, cause it is "strange" for them (but they did something unlikely to me so i might as well ask for something bizarre from them 😁). Basically, my demand does not involve money but just an administrative hearing 'cause my IS' (one is an alien who doesnt have an AEP yet if im not mistaken) were giving false reports against me hence their deliberate refusal to argue wih me in person; I wanted to correct the misconceptions.

Anyway, the LA scheduled the submission of position paper on Nov 27 but was rescheduled on December cause the respondents submitted a motion for extension. The reply that was originally scheduled to be submitted on dec 11 was moved to dec 19. However, they have submitted another motion for extension rescheduling the submission of reply to  be on Jan 2018.

My question is that, when i submit my reply on Jan 2018, do i have to submit a motion for execution so the LA could render her decision? Or is it automatic that the LA will set the period for her decision upon the submission of the replies? and any advice on how can i further improve my argument against my Is'?

I have no counsel as i resigned immediately. I dont think i can afford it. And Im quite anxious that my alien IS would further delay the LA's Decision and get away from it since his contract in the company ends in March 2018. He might go back to his country at once.

A lot of thanks to those who will respond. 😇

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