1. The trainer is not a trainer, He is a team leader and doesn't know the type of learners he has.
2. Since he is a team leader his time is being divided he goes to his team on the floor to check and coach his team, attends meeting and go back in our classroom to teach from time to time our learning is being interrupted.
3. the team leader who happens to be a trainer at the same time,sent us home 2 hrs/1.5 hours before the end of our shift. Which could have been used for our additional leanings.
4. The Quality Specialist did record our call simulation for certification. there is documentation of coaching but there was no recording of the call and can't prove that the guidelines were met or not.
because I failed the call simulation which is the toll ate for me to go to the next phase of training they terminated me. My defense is the reason why I failed was because the trainer did not rain us well and he is not a certified trainer to train and handle class, plus the call simulation should have been recorded because this is an important document.
Should I continue to file a case against this company? Because I already filed a case against them. I just want to know if this case is a WInner case on my part.
Please give me an advice. Thank you