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Invasion of Privacy

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1Invasion of Privacy Empty Invasion of Privacy Sat Sep 16, 2017 12:10 pm


Arresto Menor

Hello, I'm a 4th year college student in business management, and a former member of our school publication.

I have been framed and that got me terminated on Sept 15, 2017.

A fellow member has hacked my friends account and took screenshots of our conversation on facebook, showing it to the publication's adviser. That got me terminated.

The only proof I have that my friend has been hacked is that the home screen that is seen in the screenshot is different from my friend's phone and is similar with the hacker's (I have various screenshots that he sent me before, too. That's why I can compare)

The termination also had no due process or whatsoever.

I want to know if my evidence is solid enough to prove the hacking, and what legal actions I can take against the hacker. Where do I go first?

Please help Smile

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