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Account closure

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1Account closure Empty Account closure Mon Sep 04, 2017 3:19 am


Arresto Menor

I work on a BPO company...
Sadly, recently our company announced that our LOB/ account is about to close..
Then, they informed us that our company will start transferring agents from our account to another account by reapplying to another account, wherein we have to undergo interview and training. They told us that we have two chances to be transferred to another account and that is to pass the interview and training for two accounts. If ever that for that two chances, wala kaming naipasa kahit na isang account they will consider that as negligence of growth. And the worst thing is that magfofloating status daw kami for 6 months with no work, no pay. May balita kasi na, lahat daw ng account ditto is overstaffed na, at yung iba is nagbabawas pa din. Pinapirma kami ng papers na ganun yung terms na nakalagay.
Then, may nagsabi sa min na diskarte lang daw ng company yun na palalabasin na itatransfer nila kami by reapplying to another account but the truth is, ibabagsak kami either interview or training to put us on floating status, may nagsabi din samin na may bunuksan daw na case sa mga agents na mga cases nila before para materminate daw sila.
Ask ko lang po, if ever na pumirma or di kami pumirma dun sa papers na pinapirma sa min, ano po ang chances namin to forward the issue sa DOLE if ever po.

Thanks po...

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