My mother was mocked/humiliated online by our relative (Nicolle Ventura and Margie Ventura) in Facebook due to some land/money disputes. My mother doesn't know how to use this application and knows nothing about it until somebody informed her but these people are still spreading speculations and offensive words for them to get sympathy from our relatives. The reason for this issue is because of the recent talk between their company and mom's that's all about the money amounting to Php10,000 that they paid to my mother. Few years ago, our deceased aunt asked our lolo to borrow Php20,000 due to the damage of what her son did to a private property and to compensate the damages, they've asked them to pay php20,000. My lolo has no money at that time so they asked our mom instead. Our lolo decided to just use a portion of his land as an exchange to the debt (10,000) for the meantime. Everyone agreed to it. Nicolle paid the debt to mom but right now few months ago, they wanted that to get that back since they thought that the land that was given to her as an exchange is owned by their mama. There is no will and testament to prove that lolo has already given the land to our deceased aunt. They're insisting to get the money , well in fact, that this is the payment for what they mom owed from us. What can we do with this?