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Slander help please!

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1Slander help please! Empty Slander help please! Thu Aug 10, 2017 8:53 am

Anne Orquejo

Arresto Menor

Does making up a rumor about sexual assault constitute as slander?

It's kind of complicated, I'll explain it in bullets:

Man 1 "Juan" = The one who made the slander statement
Woman 2 "Maria" = Target of the slander statement
Woman 3 "Jane" and her husband "Dennis" = Subject of the slander statement
Man 3 "Rodel" = Maria's husband

Slander statement made by Juan, "Maria said Dennis tried to "take advantage" of her one night during a confrontation while Jane was present."

Truth: The statement is false. Maria never said that about Dennis. Dennis is died of kidney failure as of present.


All four were friends, with Maria being "newcomer" because she married the three persons' friend, Rodel. That's her only connection to the group, but she got along with them well.

In 2003, Rodel cheated on Maria, and Jane and Dennis (being Rodel's closer friend) hid the affair from Maria.

Maria confronted Jane and Dennis, and cried at their home with alcoholic beverages around. Maria was "pinapalo" Dennis for hiding her the fact.

Now, Juan was a friend to Maria at this time, because his own wife cheated on him and Maria was the only "female" friend he could confide to, without compromising his "machismo" image to his friends which include Rodel and Dennis.

It was a very occasional friendship with some talks very sparse in between. Maria told Juan the incident with Jane and Dennis at their house, and also confided in him a "slight sexual assault" in which Rodel's father touched her legs.

Forward to present, 2017:

Maria and Rodel marriage fell apart due to his numerous affair. Maria ousted him out of the house.

Jane, Dennis (dead however) and Juan remained loyal to Rodel, being their friend longer than Maria.

Maria is facing extreme backlash from Rodel's family, sisters and friends from ousting him off the house.

One day, Jane and Juan (or if there are others) met for some lunch, and Juan told Jane that Maria told him that Dennis tried to take advantage of her one night while all of them were drinking. (The night I described about, take note that Juan is friend to Rodel and his family, and the family is digging for dirt on Maria).

Jane, being severely emotional when it comes to her dead husband, told Maria that she hated her for saying such a lie, among others.

Maria, angry because it was "paninirang puri", called Juan until he answered, in which he denied and said that "you told me that!"

Juan is accusing Maria of accusing Dennis with sexual assault while his wife was present.

Maria plans to pursue a slander case. Does she have a case?

What does she have to prove? Is it also possible to that Juan's memory just got muddled?

Thank you!

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