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Free Legal Advice Philippines

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I need a lawyer's advice concerning this case, it's really urgent!

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Arresto Menor

Good day! Please i am writing t because currently i'm in a situation that requires legal handling. It goes back to early April, my girlfriend and i rented a car to move her things from to her new house. At around 9:30pm we got involved in an accident, although it was our fault and we take full responsibility for it. My girlfriend was the driver and she bumped the car in front of us in the process of looking at her wayz app. The car we rented was a 2016 Honda City model and the car she bumped was a Toyota Hiace van, 2001 model. The bump was not too hard because it was kind of a traffic situation, so the cars were not moving too fast to cause more terrible impacts. Long story short, we went to the police, wrote the reports and agreed to pay for the damages of both cars. A week or two went by and the driver of this van, who happened to be an older man in his 50's sent us the breakdown of the expenses for his car amounting to almost Php50,000 claiming he took his car to toyota office to get it fixed. We replied and told him that we didn't have that kind of money as we were only students and my girlfriend had a per time job which didn't really pay much. The car we rented which was the latest model with insurance, we got it fixed for Php7,000 at the local car district in Banawe and so we told him that we could take his van there to be fixed. Although i never stated it above, the bump on his car was just at the extreme right corner and wasn't really much. But he refused to let us take his car to Banawe and insisted we pay the 50k. Fast forward to today, my girlfriend has a hearing in court in two days and we are both scared thinking she might be arrested or something bad might really happen. We were willing to fix his car but he was trying to get more money from us knowing fully well that we were just students. So please i need any piece of advice on what to expect from this hearing and if there is a chance that we can get out of this without too much negative effects on our lives. Hoping to hear from you soonest. Thank you.


Reclusion Perpetua

just proceed to the hearing and give your side of the story. let the court decide if you cannot find a common ground with the complainant. if this is just a civil case, then no need to be scared.

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