I need help with my current situation. I have completed 3 weeks of my training and just about entering the 4th week the Management finally come up with the decision and that is to Discontinue my Probationary Contract effective immediately.
The Training Agreement & House Rules on Attendance and Punctuality indicates the consequence management during training that:
Employees who will be absent for (1) day, they will be required to present a medical certificate or other supporting documents to justify their absence. Otherwise, this may lead to discontinuation of probationary employment.
(2) Unexcused absence and/or (1) instance of No Call No Show during training may lead to discontinuance of probationary employment.
Incurring 2 instances of Tardiness/UT/Over breaks/ misuse of aux withing or 1 instance of 30 minutes whichever comes first during training may lead to discontinuation of probationary employment.
An NTE was issued and I was given (5) days to respond in defense of my infraction. My direct superior told me to prepare explanation and proof of evidence to shed light as to why I was absent for a day. With all the explanation, documentation, Google Map, Google Activity Report and Conversation screenshots presented, proving that I have all the intention to go to work. I was forced to go on leave in order to avoid further Risk.
Administrative hearing occurred and I was given opportunity to explain as to why I was absent for one day. Provided with the explanation, to the point of discussing personal matters just to prove that such infraction is not intended.
Couple of days after, a decision Terminating my Employment has been served effective immediately and I refuse to signed in admission because I am certain Due Process has not been observed.
The NTE is for the Tardiness that I have incurred, and to my understanding was not heard of properly and poorly defended because during the Administrative hearing we focused on discussing, verifying, interpolating, questioning the 1 day absence.
It is with great deal that this matter must be resolved accordingly. I don't know what to do. If the management is religiously following the Attendance Policy, then why I am the only Trainee who underwent such peril. Many of my co-trainee have violated the Attendance Policy one way or the other and I can easily prove that.
All I want is to progress with the chosen career I know I am best at. However, I can tell that my reasons, no matter how compelling, was not given due considerations.
Please, help. I only have 3 days to submit my appeal to the Company's Appellate Division.