I was in a vehicular accident last march 6, i was a passenger of a tricycle that was going to our local mall in our place... We where traversing the hiway going to sm taytay, we where in the inner lane when a delivery van tried to overtake and the vehicle that i was riding got hit on the right side by the left rear wheel of the delivery van, if caused me and the wife of the driver to be thrown out to the highway, i was unconscious for a day and got confined in the hospital for a week due to blood clots in my head and I was advised to rest for more than a month due to the injuries, same thing happened with the wife od the driver, she had severe injuries by her mouth and went to surgeries because of it, the company never gave us any money to pay for the hospital expenses... They initially promised that they will, the driver of the delivery van told the truth and admitted that he was to blame because it was his fault, so my question is, is it right to demand that aside from the hospital bill that they should also shoulder the days that i was out because of my medical condition due to the accident???