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Status Identification of Employee

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1Status Identification of Employee Empty Status Identification of Employee Mon Feb 20, 2017 12:16 pm

Joy J. Bloom

Arresto Menor

Hi Atty: I am from a drugstore, I am the pharmacist/Manager and I have a Pharmacy Assistant(PA) who did not go for work since Feb 13, Monday, she sent a text message and said that her sister (a stroke patient at age 43) who is living alone in their house only with the caretaker, has been abandoned by the caretaker.So no one to take care but her. She is the only immediate relative of this sick sister who is living with a partner and a child in another house few kms away .

The next day, I again receive a text message from her that this time she cannot come to work because her another sister's child was hospitalized and that there was no one to assist her but her.
She said the former sick sister was left only to their neighbors. Then, come Wednesday Feb 15 was her day off, and then I asked her thru text if she can come to work already on Thursday, Feb 16 because her co-employee PA will be having a rest day and I need to arrange our schedule, but I did not receive any response, until Thursday night Feb 16, using her FB account, her live in partner sent a message asking for her salary, told me that he was using her partner's acct because she is still in the hospital with the sister and niece, I asked him to get an authorization letter and and asked her to sign. The ffg day came and this male live-in partner went to the store with the signed authorization letter and I gave him the salary, told him to ask his partner to inform me whether she can come to work still or not anymore.

Thursday came, our 2nd PA took her rest and nobody came and nobody notify me that she was not going to work anymore. I seek assistance from my family member to assist me in the operation.

Until on the 18th, Saturday, I sent her a notice letter that I am waiting for her notification/reasons of not going to work or I am going to investigate and make legal action if she will not show up or reply. There, she responded saying she will not go back to work anymore and that she will take care of here sick sister instead. That's all.

Yesterday I sent a message and asked her the reasons why she did not inform or notify me of her absences because I need to know as part of the procedure, but up to this time,no response was made.

She even questioned her benefits contribution with SSS, she said thru texts that she went to SSS office last Friday and that how come she was being deducted with the contribution and there was no reflected payment made. This, she really doesn't understand and seemingly she was very doubtful and judgemental. I asked her to visit our accountant to clarify the issue.

Lastly I asked her to come and talk to me personally as I might be texting with somebody else whom I do not know. I did not receive a reply anymore.  All her texts were saved. What shall I do? She has pending benefits with the company: a back pay that was internally agreed to be paid in installment basis until next year. What is her status after all the negligences she made? Thank you.

2Status Identification of Employee Empty Re: Status Identification of Employee Mon Feb 20, 2017 1:45 pm


Reclusion Perpetua

write to her via registered mail. Issue a return to work order. If she does not respond you can terminate her for abandonment

3Status Identification of Employee Empty Status Identification of Employee Mon Feb 20, 2017 3:31 pm

Joy J. Bloom

Arresto Menor

Will I still send her a registered letter even if she already replied her reason in our chat? or is this simply to make it formal?

Thank you.

4Status Identification of Employee Empty Re: Status Identification of Employee Mon Feb 20, 2017 4:18 pm


Reclusion Perpetua

you need to have proof that she is not returning to work anymore. Unless she is willing to write you a resignation letter.

5Status Identification of Employee Empty Status Identification of Employee Mon Feb 20, 2017 4:23 pm

Joy J. Bloom

Arresto Menor

Copy Sir. Many thanks, I will consider and follow your advice.


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