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Immediate Resignation + RTWO not recieved

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Arresto Menor


Last edited by dfa on Sat Feb 11, 2017 2:23 am; edited 1 time in total


Reclusion Perpetua

kung may medical certificate, just submit resignation letter sighting your physical condition and attached the medical certificate, tell them it's impossible for you to render 30 days notice and that you want to resign immediately.


Reclusion Perpetua

1. Regarding the RTWO. You received it or not, it is of no consequence because the Company has done its part. It cannot be faulted if you did not receive the registered mail.
2. Regarding your immediate resignation. This is management prerogative if they will accept your resignation.
3. Regarding your physical health as your reason. As long as there is a medical certificate stating that your condition INCAPACITATES you to report for work, then the same can be accepted. If not, then it's management prerogative.
4. Regarding your emotional health. This has NO bearing with the Company.


Arresto Menor


Last edited by dfa on Sat Feb 11, 2017 3:05 am; edited 1 time in total


Reclusion Perpetua

BY all means, EVERYBODY including you can file for a resignation (immediate or not) but the same has to be approved. This approval, however, is a management prerogative.

Your best option is to file a resignation letter and hope that it be approved. If not, you have no other option but to wait for action of the management.

I suggest you try to process your clearance, that way you'll know your status. If you are not yet separated from the company, you can demand that you be allowed to submit a resignation letter or Terminate you by reason of Job Abandonment.


Arresto Menor

Thank you for the info


Arresto Menor


Last edited by dfa on Sat Feb 11, 2017 2:24 am; edited 1 time in total


Reclusion Perpetua

resigning will get you zero benefits as well. at this point if i were u, i would concentrate on how i will not get sued for being awol instead of getting benefits


Arresto Menor

Already asked for Legal advice from DOLE regarding the circumstances i have. I now have the proper mindset/approach on how to pursue this. But thank you for those who had personal experiences/encounter who gave out/shared information and advices.

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