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RTWO and Resignation

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1RTWO and Resignation Empty RTWO and Resignation Tue Jun 03, 2014 2:19 am


Arresto Menor


Good Day.

Here's my ordeal, hoping for your insights.

On March 7, i was given an Incident Report by my Manager and HR. It was imposed there that I am constantly complaining, questioning my Manager's decision and telling my colleagues that I'm not happy with my job anymore. The HR and my Manager did not inform me who wrote the IR, but I can remember well who I spoke with that day. I was given 48-72 hours to write my explanation. Which I did and explained my side very well that they misunderstood me. However, due to the stress and heartaches it brought me, I became sick and was absent from thereon. I always notify my Supervisor and provided him copies of the Medical Cert via email. However, on March 18 even though I provided my Supervisor copies of my Medcert that I will be on Sick Leave until April 8. My Manager tagged me as NCNS.

On April 4, I received an RTWO stating that I should go back to work and explain why I shouldn't be terminated (due to neglect of duty). I went back to work on the same day with a Resignation letter which is effective immediately (I have a gut instinct that my Manager wants to terminate me). They told me that they are not accepting the resignation and that I should render 30 days. I said I could render half day every day until I complete the 30 days notice. The HR Manager declined my request and insulted me in many ways since I also filed a counter Incident Report against the person who filed the IR who unfortunately is the my Supervisor's girlfriend and my Managers pet. (My Manager and HR is denying that the girl filed the IR.)

Therefore, I told them if I could go back to work. HR Manger told me that normally RTWO requires employees to go back to work but in my case it was different. She said I need to answer my RWTO in writing and explain why I shouldn't be terminated. She also told me that there is a due process and that I could not go back as of the moment. Therefore, I just submitted my RTWO response in the given time period. However, since they told me that there would be a due process and that initially they were not accepting my Resignation. I did not bother to get back the 3 copies of Resignation letter that I left on the HR Manager's desk.

Two weeks later, I have not received any news about my RTWO response. Hence, I texted my Manager and asked about the decision regarding my response and if I could process my clearance. My Manager replied to me and informed me that in order to be cleared I need to render 30 days notice. I replied back, and paraphrased my question. I asked her again what was the verdict since they told me that there would be a due process and that since they did not accept my Resignation, I no longer wish to resign. She never replied back.

Then on May 12, I received a letter from the Company (signed by the HR and my Manager) stating that they are now acknowledging my resignation dated April 4 (dated on their actual letter is May 6) and that on my records it will show that I did not properly turned over. Aside from that, attached on the letter is the computation of my last pay showing I still over them less than 3,000 pesos and that I should pay them within 5 days.

My question is;

Is it lawful that they did not accept my Resignation letter, promised me a due process and not giving it at all. Later to find out that after a month they are accepting my Resignation?

Thank you for your answer.

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