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Slipped and got injured because of negligence by grocery employees

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Arresto Menor

Hi atty. Good day! Im here once again to ask for legal advice from you. I was doing my groceries in a mall yesterday and I was checking out some seafood to buy in their fresh seafood department. I went at the back area to cross to the other side of the display when I slipped and fell face flat on the floor. The floor was wet and very slippery but there wasn't any warning signs or cordon for consumers not to cross there. There were several employees who saw what happened to me, but they didn't even bother to help me stand up. I had a difficulty standing up coz of the slippery floor and because of my physique, im overweight. After the incident, which was witnessed by several of the shoppers, I went and asked for the manager. they assisted me to the clinic where they checked my BP which raised to 140/100. I then waited there for about an hour before they sent me to a nearby hospital which is an affiliate of theirs and they had me checked. The doctor only checked my knees though and determined that I had soft tissue damage because of the fall but no fracture. This is the first time that has happened to me. Could you give me any info as to what I should need to do in case I need to file a case against the said supermarket? Also, I was only given a medical certificate by the ER doctor. Would that be sufficient enough if I run after them for compensation on the injury I obtained and the humiliation I endured? Thanks in advance!


Arresto Menor

also, what case can I file against them? thanks



you can file a civil case under small claims rule for damages. rules on

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