We have attended atleast 5 amicable settlements at the police station. The offending party refused to appear on the last two scheduled amicable settlements because they wont be able to pay us because they have no money or property. The offending driver is a student, 25 yrs old, no drivers license. He doesn't own the motorcycle and the owner wants it back asap. The motorcycle is newly loaned and the plate is for registration.
I think we should definitely file a case against the driver because we felt uncompensated after all the injuries and inconvenience we have suffered.
Should we file a complaint also against the owner of the vehicle? We have talked to them but they seem to play a Pontious Pilate role against this incident, citing that the offending driver insisted to drive instead of someone else that have the their consent.
I would be glad to hear from someone because this is my first accident, my first case to file. I've been driving for how many years now with diligence and care to avoid any danger. I dont know if the law can satisfy us its justice because all these things were really a pain in the ass.
Thank you and God Bless to all.