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car accident harrassment

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1car accident harrassment Empty car accident harrassment Mon Jan 31, 2011 3:45 pm


Arresto Menor

Hi Atty. good day. Would like to inquire about a car accident that happened to me yesterday. I accidentally hit a car infront of me while driving along Edsa. The car infront did a full stop unexpectedly, I was able to step on the breaks, however it was already close and it hit his bumper. There was no huge damage. Only that the bumper may need to be aligned. I was asking for the amount so that I can just pay him, but then he doesn't want to agree and decided to go to the police. We had our police report and I was telling him that I will just pay the participation fee since he have a comprehensive insurance, but he doesn't want to. He wants me to pay the full amount of whatever the estimate of casa will be and he said it's roughly 80 thousand pesos! I talked to the insurance company and they said that I will need to pay per panel plus the estimate from casa (do you usually pay for casa estimate?)and the guy wanted me to shoulder everything else. I did not agree since I know that I should be coordinating with his insurance company and not him. Plus the car is not even his. It's a company car. Please tell me what to do. The guy keeps on bugging me and asking me for money. Thanks!

2car accident harrassment Empty Re: car accident harrassment Mon Jan 31, 2011 9:33 pm



first, it's easy to establish your fault because you were behind. you are required to maintain a safe distance so that even if the car in front suddenly stops, you can stop in time also.

if you can't agree to a settlement, what they will probably do is to have the car fixed by the insurance, and it will be the insurance who may go after you. i'd say there's a 50-50 chance that they will. for 80k, it's easier since all they need to do is file a small claims case where if you lose and there are no assets in your name, then too bad for the plaintiff.

tired of getting harassing messages? make a final offer in writing and if not accepted, change your number and prepare for a possible case.

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