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Unmarried Couple Savings, please advise...

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Arresto Menor

First of, i would like to thank this group and to anyone that will reply on my query.

I just need a legal advise on my ex boyfriend who still bothers me. We had a savings using my bank account and not a joint account. He voluntarily deposits money in my account to save for our planned wedding. Unfortunately we broke-up, and I already used all my money in that account including his (that i don't even know how much) in my travel back home - coz we both work abroad. During those dark days, all i want is to go home to my comfort zone.
Now, he's married and he and his wife wants to get his money back. I no longer have that money.

Please advise me what to do because i plan to seek a lawyer's advice to at least warn them through law firm letter or something.

I would greatly appreciate your advice.

Thank you so much. Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven

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