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Protection Order

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1Protection Order Empty Protection Order Fri Aug 12, 2016 10:26 am


Arresto Menor


The other day, my partner and i had a fight. I wanted to go out of the house that night to at least get some fresh air due to the fight and he wont let me and that led him to pushed me, hold my arms so tight and almost suffocating me that night which resulted to all the body aches i have now. Not to mention that he threatened to take my child away from me. Everytime we fight he always said a lot of bad things about me and he knows exactly my weakness--my son and he always threaten me take him away from me. Im so tired with all this roller coaster of emotions. I can not focus to work anymore, im afraid that one day i might go home and will no longer find my son there, i have no peace of mind and im in so much pain for the 5 years of pain he already bought upon me. Does anyone here think its ok to file a bpo? and if i do that what will happen next? what will happen to me? to us? to my son? im so hurt, confuse and ashamed that this is happening. please help. please advice.

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