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Cancellation of Purchase Of Real Estate

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1Cancellation of Purchase Of Real Estate Empty Cancellation of Purchase Of Real Estate Sat Jul 23, 2016 7:58 am


Arresto Menor

Good Morning po sa inyong lahat need advice po. Bibili po sana kami ng property.Nagpirmahan na kami ng intent to purchase ng seller naka indicate dun ung amount to be paid kasu po kinancel ng parents dahil indoubt po sila.Ngayon po pinagbabayad po ako ng 10k dahil naabala daw po namin ang seller. Ang tanong ko po legal po ba na magbayad kami? need ko po talaga ng advice salamat po



how is your intent to purchase worded?


Arresto Menor

salamat po sa reply Atty. Lll.
Naka Indicate po ung intent to
purchase a house tas complete address as well as yung agreed price and agent name. un lang po walang nakalagay na if ever mag back out may babayaran na damages. accepted din po ng seller at signed ng agent at witness. Pag hindi daw po namin tinuloy ang pagbili magbabyad daw po kami ng damages and magkaka kaso po ako tska ang agent. please help me. anong mabuting gawin salamat po



in my opinion, they are entitled to damages because there was already an agreement which you breached. if you refuse to pay, they will have to file a case to collect from you.

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