hello everyone! i would like to ask your opinion regarding this case. a nurse endorsed to the other nurse a patient from the surgical ICU. she told the other nurse that the central venous pressure line (CVP line) was already out. one of the orders in the chart was to give the patient a continuous osteorized feeding via a jejunostomy tube. she did prepare for the feeding. however, she attached the feeding to the CVP line instead. the patient experienced difficulty of breathing and was intubated. she was about to endorse the patient to the incoming nurse when this nurse noticed that the feeding was attached to the CVP line instead. they called the doctors and the patient was placed again in the surgical ICU. as of today, the patient's condition is stable though he cannot tolerate it when the they try to wean him from the ventilator. this nurse is currently under investigation. i would like to know if this nurse can do something (legal matters) to prevent her expulsion from the hospital or worse, the revocation of her license, thank you for your help.