Our company operates in BPO sector and I would like to understand the concept of Part-time employment. We are looking at possibility of offering part time work instead of full time due to some slump
I have certain set of questions for which I require an answer. Please help me with the same.
1. Am I able to offer part-time job to new candidates ( 4 hours daily,5 days)
2. what requirements I need to fulfill? what is the minimum and maximum number of hours employee can work in a week?
3. What legality I need to look into?
4. How different is this employment /work from regular employee?
5. What would differ with respect to remuneration and benefits from regular employee?
6. 13th month pay eligibility, SSS pagibig deductions?
7. Payment of salary via cehques/bank account?
8. Is overtime eligible if employee works beyond the stipulated time (4 hours)
Anything apart from this if you have the information with regards to topic ,please feel to share. Thank you,.