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I didn't know I was working for a smuggler

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Arresto Menor

First off, I'll be omitting any information that could give you a clue as to where I work. I will be naming my boss' forwarder as "Chasing paper" or CP since he love money so much. And, I'll name his restaurant and food franchise "Mold".

Lilith=Boss' wife
Beelzebub=Right-hand man of Lucifer
Judas=Brother of Beelzebub, operation's manager of the warehouse

Last year I was looking for a job; I found an ad on a newspaper its says there a food franchise looking for office staff position. I immediately emailed my application and got a call for the initial interview. So, I passed the interview. There were 4 trainees including me. We handled different jobs so they can "test" us. I literally had no idea about that company nor its owner. One day there was a Chinese man that keps coming at the office he even tried to look at my face. he asked me about my course (hospitality) and asked if I have any experience working in the office. I said yes. So, I was assigned to check a lot of receipts and they taught me how to compute it which is per cbm. Being a shy person that I was and also thinking this is only for experience. I didn't asked further question about the receipts. One day, Beelzebub asked me to make a fake order that will put on a receipt with fake tax. I made a total of 29 receipts with a total amount of 400k. I didn't thought much about it that time. On my third month of working there I was told to go the warehouse to be Judas' assistant. I was hesitant at first because the place is far and a long commute. Since I didn't have a choice I go there once a week. And this is where things got weirder (for me).

Lucifer's cargo business is registered as a wholesaler but its registered owner is Beelzebub. And the one that I made, with the receipts, that's the only tax they will declare even though they ship goods from 4 different countries. Whom he earns maximum of 900k per container! Based on the files of the employee I replaced they ship an approximate of 481 containers per year!! Can you imagine the amount of money he earns without tax and smuggling containers! Regarding the smuggling part, I got that from my uncle since he once worked for my boss as a bodyguard.

So, they have a total of three receipts: one for BIR sales invoice, one is for the delivery receipts with tax, and the other is just a delivery receipts without tax the one that they give out to the customers.

Hey, I mean, it's none of my business right? But I can't take the way he treat use employees with a 480 rate with no over payment pay. He walks around like he's a king, like he got his money from legal ways. One time, he even asked me to work overtime in case I didn't finish my work. Note: that asking for an overtime without compensation is breaking the Book 3 of Article 87 of Philippine Labor Law. Judas told me that Lucifer ask the stay-in employees to work until 1 am without pay. Note that they are paid below minimum. When my boss owns 4 luxury cars. Couple of houses and rest house.

So, since he's a tax evader, a Chinese citizen who named his business under a Filipino citizen when his the one collecting the money, smuggler, and practice employee mistreatment. What can i do if ever I want to file a against him? I am the one who prepare the fake declaration tax for his cargo business even though it's against my will, can he use it against me even though I don't benefit from it? What do you think should i do?

PS. Si Lucifer ay maraming kapit na malalaking tao. Former member ng Sandigan bayan and Former President. Super corrupt sa Customs (as usual). And as per Judas Billionaire na si Lucifer (pesos)

A/N I'll edit this, proofread then add more information once I got the time. I am currently here in the office and Judas is walking behind me.

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