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NSO BirtCert Multiple Errors

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1NSO BirtCert Multiple Errors Empty NSO BirtCert Multiple Errors Tue May 31, 2016 4:16 am


Arresto Menor

Good day!
Question nman po bcoz im planning to get a passport and then i didn't know that i have NSO existing birt cert. Im planning na palate register sana pero meron pla akong existing. The problem here is wala akong middle initial dun, mali ang birt date and year, mali ang spelling ng name. So ang gusto ko po sana ipacorrect and how? Bale nakaregister po ito sa salucag dolores abra. Gusto ko ifollow kung ano ngamit ko sa schools and sa mga id's ko. Please advise and i will really really appreciate your response.. thank u so much..

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