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is my marriage legal

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1is my marriage legal Empty is my marriage legal Tue May 17, 2016 5:00 pm

mike 48

Arresto Menor

on the 10/10/2016 I was married in the Philippines and signed the necessary paperwork I then learned that the two pastors involved did not have their licences current on the 10/10/2016 and we were asked to return on the 24/10/2016 to resign the marriage certificate we have proof from our marriage venue of the original date, hotel booking etc and our sponsors statements if needed my question is this marriage legal and where or what department I can find out re pastors licence renewals

2is my marriage legal Empty Re: is my marriage legal Sat May 21, 2016 10:10 pm


Reclusion Perpetua

Yes, of course ur marriage is still valid. If you were made to sign a marriage dated later than the actual ceremony, that later date is not valid. The valid marriage is the one actuall celebrated.

One of the essential requisites of a valid marriage is authority of the solemnizing officer. Without it, the marriage would be void. However, if either or both of the party/ies believe that the solemnizing officer is duly authorize, the marriage remains valid.

3is my marriage legal Empty is my marriage legal Mon May 23, 2016 6:09 am

mike 48

Arresto Menor

how could my marriage be legal if the pastors involved were not currently licenced to do so meaning at the date 10th October 16 their licence had either for one of them expired and the other was not issued on that date so to me being asked to come back and sign on the 24th October to cover them cant be correct

4is my marriage legal Empty Re: is my marriage legal Mon May 23, 2016 11:23 am


Reclusion Perpetua

mike 48 wrote:how could my marriage be legal if the pastors involved were not currently licenced to do so meaning at the date 10th October 16 their licence had either for one of them  expired and the other was not issued on that date so to me being asked to come back and sign on the 24th October to cover them cant be correct

What filia meant to point out is that there are Supreme Court cases that were decided that laid down the principle that it does not matter if the solemnizing officer weren't duly authorized, as long as the couple being wed believed in that moment that such officers are indeed authorized. While the law may provide that one of the essential requisites of a valid marriage is lacking (therefore void), cases have provided exceptions to such rule. Your case might belong to the said exception, hence Filia's answer.

It would be best for you to consult a lawyer. If you seek free legal advice, you may want to go to the nearest City or Municipal hall and go to the Public Attorney's Office.

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