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pregnancy problem

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1pregnancy problem Empty pregnancy problem Sat Apr 23, 2016 8:20 am


Arresto Menor

just wanted to know what your opinion bout what happened to me and my baby. Last january 24, 2014 of the staff was transferred to other project which is dayshift sched. While 11 of us was left in MH which is graveyard shift. Is it fare that they left me in MH even though I'm pregnant and only girl in the group? Worst thing happened my baby was stillborn last May 24, 2015. Is there any legal steps I could file against my manager?

2pregnancy problem Empty Re: pregnancy problem Sat Apr 23, 2016 9:18 am


Reclusion Perpetua

What's MH?

Did you ask to be transferred away from GY shift?
Did your doctor require you to work day shift? Do you have medical documents for that?

Being pregnant and the only girl in the GY shift group does not automatically warrant that you should be transferred to a day shift schedule.

3pregnancy problem Empty Re: pregnancy problem Sat Apr 23, 2016 9:46 am


Arresto Menor

Did you ask to be transferred away from GY shift?
- yes I asked them. but she just walk away

Did your doctor require you to work day shift? Do you have medical documents for that?

- I do have medical documents for that but i did'nt show it to them because they decline my request

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