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Effect of Typographical Error on the Annotation to the Birth Certificate

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Arresto Menor

Hi, it's pretty common to have a case concerning typo errors on the entries on the birth certificate, but one case not as common is a typo error in the annotation. I would like to ask our lawyers in the forum what effect would the following case have on the "legal" name of the child.

Original entry on the birth certificate reads:

The birth certificate is later annotated as the child has been legitimated through subsequent marriage of the parents. However, the annotation reads:

"Legitimated by virtue of subsequent marriage of parents on March 12, 2000 at Manila. Henceforth, the child shall be known as MARINELI SANCIANGCO REYES",

the first name of the child erroneously typeset (one instead of two L's).

Does this make the child's legal name "Marineli Sanciangco Reyes" and not "Marinelli Sanciangco Reyes"?

Thank you.

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