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1Late,Tardiness,Termination Empty Late,Tardiness,Termination Sat Feb 13, 2016 10:53 am


Arresto Menor

Good Day!
We have a policy in our company that if you will be late for 5 consecutive in 1 month you will be suspended for 3 days.
On my end, I was late for 64 minutes. (One Hour and four minutes) It just happened once on the month of January and I was given an I.R indicating that it is a Final warning one more late then they will give me NTE.
Our HR department informed me that even though I was not late for 5 consecutive I consume the whole minutes of late for being late once. HR said that it is in the Labor Code.
Can you Please explain to me if the rule is valid and the I.R is Valid also?

2Late,Tardiness,Termination Empty Re: Late,Tardiness,Termination Sat Feb 13, 2016 12:44 pm


Reclusion Perpetua

deathpenalty wrote:Good Day!
We have a policy in our company that if you will be late for 5 consecutive in 1 month you will be suspended for 3 days.
On my end, I was late for 64 minutes. (One Hour and four minutes) It just happened once on the month of January and I was given an I.R indicating that it is a Final warning one more late then they will give me NTE.
Our HR department informed me that even though I was not late for 5 consecutive I consume the whole minutes of late for being late once. HR said that it is in the Labor Code.
Can you Please explain to me if the rule is valid and the I.R is Valid also?

As per your HR, what is specifically in the labor code that he is referring to?

3Late,Tardiness,Termination Empty Re: Late,Tardiness,Termination Sat Feb 13, 2016 1:46 pm


Arresto Menor

Thank you for your reply!

Our Supervisor asked the HR and that is the only answer of our HR "It is under the Labor Code" I asked our Supervisor what specific Article but she just answered me "I don't know"

4Late,Tardiness,Termination Empty Re: Late,Tardiness,Termination Sat Feb 13, 2016 7:29 pm


Reclusion Perpetua

deathpenalty wrote:Thank you for your reply!

Our Supervisor asked the HR and that is the only answer of our HR "It is under the Labor Code" I asked our Supervisor what specific Article but she just answered me "I don't know"

So ask HR directly.

Because you are being accused and sanctioned, you deserve to know the grounds.

5Late,Tardiness,Termination Empty Re: Late,Tardiness,Termination Sat Feb 13, 2016 9:14 pm


Arresto Menor

If there is a memo about the consecutive late will it make the I.R valid even it is not under the labor code?

6Late,Tardiness,Termination Empty Re: Late,Tardiness,Termination Thu Mar 10, 2016 6:07 pm


Reclusion Perpetua

deathpenalty wrote:If there is a memo about the consecutive late will it make the I.R valid even it is not under the labor code?

Yes, but for sure, it is still covered by the LC.

7Late,Tardiness,Termination Empty Re: Late,Tardiness,Termination Fri Apr 08, 2016 2:43 pm


Arresto Menor

We have a new policy in office for late penalty that a number of minutes in a month have equivalent leave credit deduction as follows..

01    -     60 mins Prorated Late Deduction (PLD)
61    -    120 mins PLD + 1 day penalty to be taken against Leave Credits
121    -    180 mins PLD + 3 days penalty to be taken against Leave Credits
Over 180 mins PLD + 5 days penalty to be taken against Leave Credits

is this legal?

Last edited by darkbong on Fri Apr 08, 2016 6:25 pm; edited 1 time in total

8Late,Tardiness,Termination Empty Re: Late,Tardiness,Termination Fri Apr 08, 2016 5:59 pm


Reclusion Perpetua

deathpenalty wrote: Our Supervisor asked the HR and that is the only answer of our HR "It is under the Labor Code" I asked our Supervisor what specific Article but she just answered me "I don't know"
I don't know what the law allow,
but obviously you have a very bad employer... Evil or Very Mad

(Back when I worked as employee, my employer only deducted rounded up to a QUARTER of an hour, when being late. E g 20 minutes late = 30 minutes deduction.
Depending of work type, some are much more important to be in time to be available for customers or not slowing down other employees,
but when it isn't such I haven't even bothered when my employees arrive, because I only bother about how much they get DONE... so I let them decide themselves when they work as long as they have their part done in time. For instance the best employee I have had, he like to sleep late and arrived around 11 most days Smile but he worked fast when he was there and catched up at evenings and weekends when needed.)

9Late,Tardiness,Termination Empty Re: Late,Tardiness,Termination Sat Apr 09, 2016 7:19 am


Arresto Menor


I was asked to sign an Incident report (IR) that was a month old. Would this be valid? I refused to sign them but the management intimidated me to sign so I did but I made sure that the date be mentioned on my signature. Can the company use the IR to terminate my employment especially my regularization is just a month and few days short??

Please help me!.. You may SMS me at 0936-456-6618

10Late,Tardiness,Termination Empty Re: Late,Tardiness,Termination Mon Apr 11, 2016 6:48 am


Reclusion Perpetua

raul.flaga wrote:Hello?..

I was asked to sign an Incident report (IR) that was a month old. Would this be valid? I refused to sign them but the management intimidated me to sign so I did but I made sure that the date be mentioned on my signature. Can the company use the IR to terminate my employment especially my regularization is just a month and few days short??

Please help me!.. You may SMS me at 0936-456-6618

Why wouldn't it be valid? Of course it is still valid. Especially if the infraction was clandestinely committed. Assuming that the infraction is grave and that you did the same, you SHOULD be terminated.

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