I work in a call center where I am offered 12 VLs as indicated in my contract, but just last year because of staffing purposes, my company stopped us from using our VLs, sometimes they would open very limited slots which is not enough for us employees to be able to consume all of our VLs, and then we were surprised that the company only paid 2 unused VLs at the end of the year, the company is insisting that paying unused VLs is not their obligation.
According to my supervisor, since the government only required companies to give 5 VLs to its employees(after 1 year of service) then as long as you have already used 5, it's already the discretion of the company to let you use the remaining VLs or even pay them at the end of the year if unused.
Is it true that this is indicated in our labor code?
And even if the required VLs to be given to the employees is only 5, but then the company offered 12 and is part of the contract signed, then I think the 12 VLs should become the employees right. Is this correct?
Thanks in advance!