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Certificate of Employment and ITR

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1Certificate of Employment and ITR Empty Certificate of Employment and ITR Wed Jan 13, 2016 1:53 pm


Arresto Menor


Good Day,

Here's my story. I left my previous employer 7-8 months ago. But my back pay was really late, I received it about 6 months after my resignation. Along with my back pay was my Certificate of Employment and ITR. Unfortunately I misplaced it during the holidays. I called my past employer for a new copy of the documents. Unfortunately they refuse to reprint the documents, stating that they don't do that and refusing to give any other reasons.

Is there any way for me to resolve this? or can/should I pursue legal actions?


2Certificate of Employment and ITR Empty Re: Certificate of Employment and ITR Wed Jan 13, 2016 5:28 pm


Reclusion Perpetua

They are not obligated to provide you with another copy since they already have given them to you previously.

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