I was under the impression that there was a classification for workers like waitress's, dancers, bar staff, etc etc, that classified them as transient workers, and therefore are not subject to the same working conditions, benefits etc of permanent workers.
I was also under the impression that workers provided by a mamasan were under his/her employment, and as such were sub contracted labor.
Generally speaking the workers in this industry move around a lot from one establishment to another, without any notice, disappear back to their province as and when they feel like it, come to work whenever they want to, etc, etc.
So i am trying to establish what a business owners obligation is to these type of workers.
Thank you for any assistance you may be able to offer. LOOKS LIKE NO ONE WANTS TO TOUCH THIS ONE, MAYBE IT'S BECAUSE I AM AN EMPLOYER !
Last edited by lab4236 on Tue Jan 05, 2016 3:53 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : NO REPLIES)