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Paid Time Off part of Metric Score

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1Paid Time Off part of Metric Score Empty Paid Time Off part of Metric Score Fri Dec 04, 2015 11:51 am


Arresto Menor

Good day

Our company (BPO Industry) has salary adjustments (increase) which is based from our scores from performance reviews (client satisfaction, attendance, etc).

Recently, there were changes in the policy. Paid Time Offs (paid leaves) now bacame part of the metrics or scores. This means that even if the absence is planned through paid leaves, our attendance scores get affected as well. This in turn affect our salary adjustments.

Since the company does not convert unused PTOs to cash, we would just like to know if this (PTOs being part of metrics that affect salary adjustments) does not violate any provisions in the Labor Code?

Hoping for your immediate response.

Thank you

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