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Property of Grandparents

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1Property of Grandparents Empty Property of Grandparents Wed Nov 18, 2015 12:05 pm


Arresto Menor

Hi, need some advise regarding this ongoing issue that my family has. My grandparents are both deceased and they have 3 children, one of which is my father. My mother had our house built on the land that my grandfather since he insisted when he was still alive. Since my father is drug-dependent/addict, my mother had to work to make sure that this house is completed. It's been years that my father is no longer living on the said house/property since he's very unstable due to his status as a drug dependent.

The situation right now is that the youngest (my aunt) has control over the properties that my grandparents left since she's the most capable. My father, as I mentioned, is not in the right state while the eldest is also deceased. My aunt confronted as and said that since we don't want my father to live on the said property, she will sell the land. I'm not sure what our rights are with the said issue since we've been living here for almost 30 years.

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