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Joint Account Withdrawal without consent

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1Joint Account Withdrawal without consent Empty Joint Account Withdrawal without consent Mon Nov 16, 2015 12:04 pm


Arresto Menor


I'm planning to file estafa case against my live-in partner for 10 years, on the basis of withdrawing my Bonus settlement and Bonus Project completion on our joint account remittance without my knowledge. Bank record transaction is intact and our bank provided me detailed transaction from October 2014 to June 2015. Is there a ground for estafa case even we are joint account holder? I'm an OFW trying to save with all the earnings every project I finished and due to her paranoia that she is being fooled she decided to withdraw from our bank account worth more than 1 million pesos. I want her to pay back the said amount and be prosecuted with all her allegations against me.

Thank you and hoping for your advice.

tsi ming choi

Reclusion Perpetua

No ground for estafa case considering that it is a joint account and both of you can withdraw from that account without the consent of another, so, the ingredient of fraud, deceit, misrepresentation to constitute as a crime of estafa is absent.

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