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Changing the lastname of a child..

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1Changing the lastname of a child.. Empty Changing the lastname of a child.. Mon Oct 26, 2015 1:00 pm

Morning Shadow

Arresto Menor

Good afternoon Everyone!

I hope you can enlighten me.

The situation is this, I had a live-in partner but I got pregnant with a different guy but still thought that my live-in partner was the father. When i gave birth to the child, my live-in partner was the one who signed the NSO birth certificate of my child. But after 3 years, i decided to contact the possible father of my baby and asked him if they could run a DNA testing, in which he agreed. (I asked for the DNA test because my live-in partner has a doubt if the baby is his own)

The DNA result came out positive. I told the truth to my live-in partner and he asked me to change the surname of my child to the real father's surname.

Is it possible? What are the proper proceedings and how much and how long would it take?

Thank you very much

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