- they don't allow paper tissues or paper towels brought inside the workfloor even if you are having a cold or cough. They expect you to use hankerchiefs
- not even 1 trash can provided for the whole 200+ employees. Can't imagine how anyone who's got the colds or cough can get through the day without anywhere to expel except a hankerchief.
- going to the bathroom would have been an option except you can only go base on limited time privilege (so much for this option) as far as BPO's time monitoring are concerned.
- anyone caught will be issued a written warning and as per HR internal memo, may be cause for termination ( getting caught having paper tissues or towels or let alone small snacks on the table for a few minutes as cause for termination--is this legal ? )
- even pregnant women or people with health problems cant bring small snacks or MEDICINES for intermittent nutritional or health sustenance unless allowed by the company's clinic with test results. And the clinic is only available on certain periods of the week, sometimes only with a nurse only, and ocassionally with doctors whose findings usually are subjectively biased in favor of the company.
- cant wear caps inside even if the aircon is blowing right over your head for 8 hours...
Do we have the option to have these measures checked as valid under the labors laws in terms of providing safe and healthy environment ? Working under these conditions feels torturous.
If yes, how to do anonymously ? As we will surely be under threat by HR if this gets traced.......