Some countries are very sensitive concerning such, while other countries find it ok.
In my home country (Sweden) it's seen as NOTHING except if it's REPEETED type of BULLYING.
(Before I started own business, back when I were employed, I yelled TO the highest bosses sometimes
When I saw something to bad handled,
I FIRST told it calm, INCLUDING telling a solution idea.
If the bosses don't solve it within reasonable time, I told it again, now grumpy.
If the bosses don't solve it within reasonable time, I told it again, this time angry.
Three of the bosses I had LIKED I did that, because they understood I did it, because I wanted to do a GOOD WORK, which couldn't be as best possible because of the errors I had told them.
In my first employment (big distribution company) they made me Planning boss dsoon after I finnished High school,
and in a later employment (import of equipment to metal manufactory) the boss more than doubled my salary in 2 years,
BECAUSE of my yelling at them
When I were boss myself, I told my programmers, when they STARTED to work:
"It's ok to call me "idiot" as long as you tell why and tell a better solution"
because I WANT them to dare to tell their oppinion...
NOTE! Above yelling was to make the BUSNIESS BETTER.
BAD ATTITUDE is something else...
Btw - It take LOOOONG time for a business to build up a good REPUTATION,
which can be DESTROYED in SECONDS by a bad employee, if the bad action is noticed by a customer...
So I'm NOT suprised of some bosses yell
because I have seen SOME employee being very lazy,
or not doing as they have been told many times to do things, making many unnecesary errors...