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Forced to resign....

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1Forced to resign.... Empty Forced to resign.... Thu Jul 30, 2015 6:42 am


Arresto Menor

Hi ...needing you advises.

I was illegally dismissed, or to be specific, I was co-erced and forced to resign. I already had filed a complaint and submitted my position paper on my own without any lawyer, however with some help.

I have received and read the position paper of the respondent, and nothing is unusual and everything was expected however, I was caught off guard when my boss claims that he did received and approved the "resignation" letter on the day when he was even on leave. He made an affidavit that I can not retract my resignation because he had received and approved it on the same day I resigned. I know that he was on leave that very day. I tried to retract my resignation same day when I made it when I realized that I need to do what is fair . They had forced me to resign when they try to intimidate me that I would be terminated if I dont, and that I will be having a hard time finding a job.

Knowing that their allegations were not my doing and not true, I wanted to contest their findings.

My question now, is what to do to let the legal arbiter knows that my boss is lying since I already had submitted my position paper?
He LIED so blatantly thinking that the court is HIS OFFICE.

Thank you for your help.

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