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1Suspension Empty Suspension Wed Jul 01, 2015 11:41 am


Arresto Mayor

HI Atty/ HR People,

I just wnat to ask if it's legal to add suspension in the corrective action process sa isang bpo or any company ?

Current Progression po namin ngayon is:

Coaching>Verbal Warning>Written Warning>Final Warning>Termination

Then ang bago ay:

Coaching>Verbal Warning>Written Warning>Final Warning>3 Day Suspension>5 Day Suspension>Termination

Legal po ba to or company discretion po ba to na pwede nilang gawin anytime?

thanks po sa mga sasagot

2Suspension Empty Re: Suspension Wed Jul 01, 2015 12:01 pm


Reclusion Perpetua

yes, the company may adjust their processes as they see fit.

In a way the company is giving you 2 more chances via the suspensions before they actually terminate you.

3Suspension Empty Is it considered illegal suspension Wed Jul 29, 2015 3:02 pm


Arresto Menor

Hi, I've been working at a BPO company here in taguig for more than 8 years and just last May I got sick(pneumonia) and was not able to report to work for around 6 weeks. During my sickness, I was transferred to a different team leader and this team leader filed a "No-call no-show case" against me which resulted in a now pending suspension. I had all my docs which we presented to our hr manager but was still adviced that I will have a fews days suspension without pay. Do we have grounds to file an illegal suspension claim through labor because of this?

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