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Company breaks 24 month bond

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1Company breaks 24 month bond Empty Company breaks 24 month bond Tue May 26, 2015 1:13 pm


Arresto Menor

I have been employed to a company and signed a 24 month bond with them. Should I will not be able to complete the bond, I will have to pay them an equivalent of my 2 months salary. I've been regularized with them after 6 months and after 18 months I was advised that my position will be redundant. I recieved a severance pay from them which is equivalent to my 2 months salary.(government mandated years of servirce times the monthly pay). My question is, should the company be obligated to pay me the remaining months of the bond?Thanks.

2Company breaks 24 month bond Empty Re: Company breaks 24 month bond Tue May 26, 2015 1:43 pm


Reclusion Perpetua

fluid wrote:I have been employed to a company and signed a 24 month bond with them.  Should I will not be able to complete the bond, I will have to pay them an equivalent of my 2 months salary. I've been regularized with them after 6 months and after 18 months I was advised that my position will be redundant. I recieved a severance pay from them which is equivalent  to my 2 months salary.(government mandated years of servirce times the monthly pay). My question is, should the company be obligated to pay me the remaining months of the bond?Thanks.


In general, the bond is one way only.

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