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Inquiry on Employment Contract with Post Dates Signature

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Arresto Menor

I recently signed an employment contract pero we agreed na post dated sya (signed date is Jun22) para di magkaproblem sa resignation/transition service with my curent company. tanong ko po... is the contract already valid? or can i still withdraw my application now? may clause kasi nakalagay na if i withdraw application, i have a certain amount to pay... please advise if pwede pa mawithdraw or not and if there is a need to pay if ever i withdraw. thanks!


Reclusion Perpetua

battousai wrote:I recently signed an employment contract pero we agreed na post dated sya (signed date is Jun22) para di magkaproblem sa resignation/transition service with my curent company. tanong ko po... is the contract already valid? or can i still withdraw my application now? may clause kasi nakalagay na if i withdraw application, i have a certain amount to pay... please advise if pwede pa mawithdraw or not and if there is a need to pay if ever i withdraw. thanks!

Yes valid pa rin yan - napagkasunduan ninyo pareho.

Art. 1315. Contracts are perfected by mere consent, and from that moment the parties are bound not only to the fulfillment of what has been expressly stipulated but also to all the consequences which, according to their nature, may be in keeping with good faith, usage and law.

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