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affair with a minor

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1affair with a minor Empty affair with a minor Mon May 04, 2015 4:07 pm


Arresto Menor

Hello, would like to ask for advice on an issue. I am 34 years old and i have a 36-old boyfriend. We are currently in an LDR due to work. My boyfriend recently got sexually involved with a 16-year old girl. According to him, the girl went to his room and undressed herself in front of him and took sexual advances towards him way back December. He said at first, nothing happened as he was also shocked with the girls' behaviour. To pacify the girl, he let her sleep in his bed, but nothing happened. He thought that it would just be a passing fancy for the 16-year-old girl and the girl kept on telling him that she's in love with him. The visits to his bedroom became regular and they started to engage in petting and necking. Come January, he wasn't able to control himself anymore and sexual penetration happened. He didn't court the girl and the girl was always readily available for sex at that time and the girl would always initiate the sexual act once inside his room (the girl was his helper's friend so the girl always had access inside the house). He admitted that he never bothered to lock his room coz he also enjoyed the excitement and the girl's attention, and of course the sex. He thought that the girls' feeling would soon fade and the girl was set to travel to Manila to go to college and so he thought it would soon be over. The girl knew me and she would make "pakilalam" my bf's celphone and read our text exchanges and the girl told my bf's helper that she would do anything to break me and my bf apart but she haven't been successful. I was unaware of their affair but my bf and I continued our relationship and attended out-of-town trips (we went to Davao in January, Bangkok in February and Boracay in March).

This April, the girl told him she was 2 weeks pregnant. He doubted the girl coz he practiced withdrawals and he never impregnated me on our four years of being a couple when we have not been doing any contraceptives. To be sure, he wanted a pregnancy test. 3 PTs that the girl showed him all had 2 lines on them meaning positive but the girl always refused to go to the doctor reasoning that she was afraid of needles, busy, etc. Then came the grandparents of the girl wanting to talk to him about something. So when he met the girls' grandparents at his own house, the grandparents wanted him to speak first before the grannies deliver their litany. Without ado, he just told them that he owns up to the responsibility (without even knowing what the grannies wanted from him coz he thought that they wanted to talk about the pregnancy and he said he couldn't think straight coz he was super bothered he doesn't know how to tell me about what's happening). Upon hearing this, the grannies told him that everything's ok then. My bf said his parents are coming to discuss the issue with them. When he finally told his parents, his family was furious and also doubted the girl's 2-weeks pregnancy claim. So my bf's aunts asked for proofs of the pregnancy like doctor's prescription, pregnancy booklet, etc. They couldn't produce anything. To make the story short: the girl was lying and she wasn't actually pregnant. And soon other stories started to surface e.g. the girl got so depressed she started to become "palaboy-laboy" (but the truth is she enjoyed herself in the mall) and that she had the baby aborted. She texted my bf's friends telling them that her family just made a story of her not being pregnant but the truth is she was really pregnant but the friends should not tell my bf. I felt that she was really psychotic!!! Now I feel that she's doing everything to force my bf to marry her. My bf is now in hiding BTW.

Is there a legal way of settling this issue? Will my boyfriend be jailed for sexual harassment? Can he sue the girl for oral defamation?

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