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Second hand SUV has a lot of hidden defects

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Arresto Menor

Hi All,

I recently bought a second hand Kia Carnival 2003. It looks great but had some few defects that had to be fixed like the speedometer and some scratches. Two days later, it's emitting black smoke and engine seemed to lose power as it couldn't even run in reverse in a slightly elevated road.

I had it checked by the mechanic and it turned out that the engine was totally defective and all sorts of remedies were made just to get it running. Now, the car is still being repaired and has been there sitting for a month already. I have already spent 50K for the repair and labor and has not yet completely been repaired.

What can I do to make the original owner pay for all the hidden defects? Please advise.



Arresto Menor

Is there anyone here who can help? Sad

Arresto Menor

Did u bought it from a casa ? Or from a person who posted it on a buy n sell site? If u bought it from the second option i dont think u can do anything to make the seller pay for the repair. As a buyer u need to check everything before buying. Ur case is a common thing happen in buying a 2nd hand unit. So if u want to have a smooth 2nd hand cars u should buy it from autorized reseller who has a dti permit, to be able to run after them if something goes wrong. But if the seller and you had a written agreement and signed by both parties. U can do something like demand him as what u had agreed. But most cases doesnt have that. So i think u can do nothing about that. All u can have is a lesson. Im not a law student nor atty. the statement written above are just an opinion of a high school graduate =) so maybe u niticed that i have some gramar errors. =)

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