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Husband flee to USA and refuse to support our kids. Please help on what to do

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Arresto Menor

My husband left for USA since last year 2014 and is working in USA (illegally), earning but refuse to send kids support (kids 15 and 12 years old). I have not filled any annulment or separation. Not that i'm hoping for something but because finances are very tight since my husband took the educational savings i saved for the kids due to affair and when discovered, made more disastrous acts and flee to the USA to avoid financial responsibilities.

I'm currently at lost now and is making both end meet, although i have been the bread winner of the family for the past 12 years (married for 15 years), and my so called better half took what was supposed to be for the children's education overseas. Im now left alone working part times and is paying for his debts in Manila since he squandered joined company money while having an affair. So i would just like to know if there's a chance that me and my kids can get what was supposedly due for their studies, since we heard that he is working in the USA now. Please help. Thanks!


Reclusion Perpetua

Difficult! The best thing you can do is to file a case RA9262 against him while you still have time, so when he needs to process his documents to get the citizenship he will get denied because he needs to present his whereabouts for the last 5 year and police / NBI clearance is a part of it!

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