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Immediate Dismissal

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1Immediate Dismissal Empty Immediate Dismissal Sun Feb 15, 2015 11:47 pm


Arresto Menor

Good day everyone

I`m in a BPO company for over 4 years now however we do not have an account presently. We are employed but we are not utilized/productive because they do not have client we can be assigned to.  My co worker (of same tenure) expressed desire to render 30 day notice of resignation to take effect on March 2015. She has not submitted any resignation letter neither processed any resignation communication within the company. She talked to and let her managers know her plan of leaving the company the following month. They always emphasize to us that we should inform them ahead of time any intent to resign. So she did. Then she was called to go to HR office.  

An HR exec spoke with her. Right after the discussion she has been effectively terminated. The HR exec reasoned out that she is not utilized so immediately they released her. This resulted her writing resignation letter on that very same day and hour promptly. She was informed that her sick leave encashment and some benefits will not be paid because it was immediate. The encashment was supposedly due on January but was not given until sometime February to allow company-wide computation/accounting. My co worker was surprised and felt mad by this HR decision she was forced to leave the company in no time. During the discussion she expressed to draw back of resigning because of what the HR has said to her. But the HR exec already has decided on the matter. Effective on that same day she was resigned, involuntarily though. Hence end of her employment.

It looks like this is a strategy to save the company from draining money because we are not utilized.

Most of us share the same interest to leave the company because of diminution of pay and benefits as they are financially struggling. To the same effect, our job security has also been unstable. We are afraid we suffer the same fate.


What actions/documentations can she do/secure in order to effectively indict this HR exec?

What can we do to protect our benefits/rights should we resign?


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