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attitude problem

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1attitude problem Empty attitude problem Tue Feb 10, 2015 5:20 pm


Arresto Menor


The question is, is the reported blotter right that im sure that the police read the med certificate because i have a copy of it. We already discussed it in the barangay but did not reconcile because my sister said that shes afraid for their safety because we have a gun. This situation makes me feel humiliated,false accusations is none sense arguing in the barangay. We are schedulled to meet again last friday but did not go. I did asked the secretary if i can report a child abuse right away after receiving the police blotter. I know that i should report this case right away because this is a child abuse cases this situations happens not only ones but every time when im not around. My eldest son even asked me if he can punch straight her aunts eye. I can see the anger in their eyes every time they are saying this. I cannot do anything but talking to my children that if their aunt is around do not go up to see their lola.I dont know what to do because the abuser is my sister sueing her cause me
To our kind hearted attorneys out their please and im begging that help me what to do. I asked my older sister if she continued sueing and answered she will not persue. I like to continue mine
because this is too much years of ignoring her causes so much pain to my kids.
What will happen to the report my sister did.
What is the best and proper way to stop her completely that she can learn her lesson completely. Please help me im so emotionally stressed out, i did not think that she can easily do that inspite of not thinking what she did to me.

2attitude problem Empty Re: attitude problem Tue Feb 10, 2015 8:03 pm


Reclusion Perpetua

It is just a police blotter, no formal case was filed. if you have enough proof that your sister and her boyfriend doing anything that might result as an abusive act to your children, you can file formal case, RA9262. you can also request protection order to prevent the boyfriend of you sister getting near your house and your children.

3attitude problem Empty Re: attitude problem Tue Feb 10, 2015 8:50 pm


Arresto Menor

Is the kids statement enough to be the evidence, or if i persue it is this stressfull for my kids. What are the penalties if ever. Im sure my eldest is the most affected on what she did. I can see it on him.

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