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REDUNDANCY without written notice.

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1REDUNDANCY without written notice. Empty REDUNDANCY without written notice. Tue Jan 27, 2015 4:24 pm


Arresto Menor

Good day,

I would like to seek a legal advice. Last Nov., 2014 3 of us were told that they were going to end our contract due to redundancy pero walang written notice na binagay. isa sa amin ay pinaalis na nila at binayaran kaagad nung nov. pa and 2 of us were left behind for turnover. According to our manila manager we'll receive same privilage katulad ng isa na pinatalsik nila na may 1 month separation pay at 13th month pati unused leave at income tax return but we still need to wait until further notice from them. It's been 2 months since we got the redundancy info until now we never get any updates and our status is floating. Anu po ba dapat naming gawin para mabayaran na nila kami kasi di na talaga namin kaya pa mag.extend ng ilang buwan dito kasi after that pre-verbal notice we were mistreated like verbal harrassment? can we seek for a help to DOLE? what kind of help then? Thanks

2REDUNDANCY without written notice. Empty Re: REDUNDANCY without written notice. Fri Jan 30, 2015 5:04 am



talk to your HR first. then you can go to nlrc.

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