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purchase of real property cancelled, can i get my full downpayment, please advice asap

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Arresto Menor

hi admin, legal advisers and fellow advise seekers,

i paid the downpayment of a real estate property but i have not signed any contract, then i decided to cancel the transaction due to loss of income.

i paid a total amount of Php 175,000.00 but the real estate office only paid me Php 115,000 in 3 installments over a year period. the remaining Php 60,000 is gone, they said there are fees that cannot be waived.

my question is;

1. with this kind of incomplete transaction (no contracts were signed), is it really legal not to give the remaining Php 60,000?
2. shall i accept the fact that the money was totally lost?

please your advice is badly needed, i will meet the real estate agent by wednesday and i want to know what is my right referring to this transaction.

thank you in advance for your help.

ciya 2015

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