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To Sign or Not To Sign Voluntary Resignation

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Arresto Menor


Hope you can help us in our concern.

Our company is announcing to close the business due to poor revenue next year. (March)
This is an international company that also has branches abroad.

Some employees will be redundant and some will be absorb but will be working to another company that has the same client with this company, and we are on Probation from April - October if we signed the Job Offer.

This absorb employees will be working immediately after March.
since the effective date of the Job offer was to start on April 1.

We have been visited by the other company last month November, and starting to give J.O for those absorbed employees.

-Other company is already recruiting inside the company.

Can we say this is "Done with Malice"

The company who will absorb us went to my current employer premise with the J.O and need to submit the signed J.O within 5 days, otherwise it is considered that we did not continue with the offer. Having a dependents it leaves us no choice but to sign since the effectivity of our work is on April, day after the proposed announcement of company closure.

We work in the company for more than 2 years already, having this scenario, we don't have a choice but to sign because there is no comparison or computation on how much we should received if we are not accepting the J.O of the absorbing company, worst thing is we will be working in luzon after 2015 because it is where there main office locate.

1. What will happen to our tenure if we sign the voluntary resignation if given to us?
2. According to them we will be signing that we voluntarily resign in the company, then another contract probably from the company absorbing us.

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