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About being charged with Estafa

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1About being charged with Estafa Empty About being charged with Estafa Sat Sep 27, 2014 7:17 am


Arresto Menor

Good day sir/mam

I am Ruben Abor III, and i would like to ask a question, i am an ofw in kuwait, and before i leave our country, i barrowed money on a lending loan and promised to pay it, along with my co maker/ guarantor.

After sending money to the Philippines, i was noted by the loaning agency that I wasn't paying in the past four months, and the charged me now with Estafa, then it comes to my knowledge that my co - maker didn't give or pay the loan,

question, is there any possibilities that i can clear my name and let the loaning company charge the case against my co maker, i had the reciepts, the proof that im sending money, hoping for you reply thanks you and more power.

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