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Condo Association Dues - Retroactive

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1Condo Association Dues - Retroactive Empty Condo Association Dues - Retroactive Wed Sep 03, 2014 1:05 pm


Arresto Menor

Good day,

I'm a unit owner of Victoria Tower in Timog, developed by New San Jose Builders. Regretfully, I am enthused to buy a gray unit, in 2009. The unit is not liveable, typical of NSJB units. I still need to raise a minimum of P300k to finish the interior. Unfortunately, I didn't have savings during that time. I was only able to raise the needed money for finishing in June 2014. The unit was neither turn over to me, neither formally nor informally. The punchlisting has only been initiated in June 2014 where some items still have to be corrected. NJSB has promised to correct the following but none happened. We were able to get a marketing clearance though so we can start construction of the unit. We were given permit in September to October 2014.

My problem roots to the payment of the association dues. The PMO is billing me dues since the building was turned over, that is in 2011 and not on the unit turn over. They insisted that it is written in the contract to sell. I don't concur with them and just settle my association dues from October 2014 onwards. I have not yet moved in 2011 nor turned over the unit to me. Why should I pay for the service that I have not used? However, they have installed RFIDs in the elevator and now have found a mean to force the settlement of the old dues. They are refusing to provide us with the 2 free RFID cards given to unit owners nor sell additional RFID cards unless the amount is settled. I found this unfair and unjustifiable. One, the RFID has just been recently installed and is not related with the previous dues. Second, I don't agree that I owe them dues that I have not used. Can you advise how I can make a complaint? Which agency can best resolve this issue? Please advise.


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